Amin Mery
Board Member
Dr. Amin Mery is a native Texan who received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin and completed his medical degree at the University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio. He then performed his residency at Brackenridge Hospital of Austin as part of the Austin Medical Education Program and completed his fellowship in adult and pediatric allergy and immunology at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
The desire to help people has been ingrained in me as a child. Witnessing the efforts of my grand parents and parents and the sacrifices they made to ensure I had a great life imbued in me the desire to pay it forward. When we came upon the opportunity to help children in need it was obvious this was a platform to do just that.
My vision for these children is to take the knowledge they have gleaned from generation after generation of thriving in their way of life through communications passed down through generations that is know under assault from various forces to grow their knowledge to achieve freedom in the ever shrinking planet. Through education they can not only take what their parents and grandparents have taught them in how to survive in their environment but hopefully give them the opportunity to also learn in different ways this school provides to further their opportunities for growth and successes of their choosing.
Knowledge is power and providing these students opportunities to further their knowledge through education will be a force to lift them out of their current struggle for resources to create better ways to improve their quality of life and therefore help them help themselves. We are hoping this education we have helped provide them grants them freedom to pursue opportunities to enrich themselves individually and their communities at large.